Thursday, October 13, 2005

Blog Blog Blog


I do this against my will . . .

I don't really like blogging. I think it is boring. Most of my friend's blogs are really uninteresting and I think these entries I write are as well.

I love how people get offended when you haven't read their blog. Like you should be soooo interested in them that you rush to the computer to find out what they were thinking 36 hours ago.

I think blogging is one of those things that most people seem to find really interesting, but for whatever reason, I'm not wired for it. I don't journal, I don't read (retired), I pretty much think while talking all of the time, so why would I waste my time talking to no one and everyone at the same time. I can't get any thinking done that way.

I am also a hypocrite.

Something else

There are sports that I pretend not to like but really do. Hockey would be first on that list. I like hockey. I can't skate and have never even once in my life been invited to play hockey. It just doesn't come up when it is 80 degrees in February 1/3 of the time.

But lets face it. Hockey is fun. Well I guess I need to face it not you. I'll face it - Hockey is fun!

After living in Europe for 3 years, I appreciate hockey as "Soccer with Goals." When was the last time there was a 0-0 tie in hockey? It just doesn't happen.

I am an all around sports fan. Recently it seems like I am encountering people who like sports OR live music. Personally I've given up liking live music. I get invited all of the time, but am never really excited about it.

Invite me to a meaningless SMU v Tulsa football game and I will be excited, but I don't really even want to go to a concert when I know the guys in the band. I even had a chance to go back stage and meet Dwight Yokum last weekend and I passed.

I feel liberated in this realization - as if a weight has been lifted. I don't have to pretend to like something just cause I think I am expected to.

Plenty will think I am stupid for this and some may decide not to like me anymore. I guess I'll have to overcome that and go on with my no-live-music life.

* dude, you're deep
* hockey is harder than you think
* I think blogs are a good way to express your opinion without the fear of some knee-jerk violent reaction.
i think i don't like you anymore, now having read this.

ok not really.
i thought about not liking you, but i'm over it. you're too good a pitcher to hate.

you will be linked on my site.
yeah, blogging is so strange. it's pretty self indulgent to assume that everyone is wanting to read your thoughts about random stuff.

but then again I think that most of my friends' blogs are actually pretty interesting and i enjoy reading them. and i would like to pretend that mine blog is pretty interesting - but i think that most of the time it isn't.

which is why you'll get comments that are like one sentence. e.g. "yeah i totally agree" or "dude, that totally rocks!" or "great blog. I've got this product you should buy click here."

but i like to live with the fantasy that my online persona is just as interesting as my IRL persona.
I second your thoughts on blogging. As I see it, it's mostly just naval-gazing and/or MOL. hmm, I need to blog more.

Hockey: genius. I used to play street hockey in college with my friends. I still have my stick somewhere...

Live music? Well, I use to play live music and went to a lot of shows, but as I get older and the bands get younger.. my interest in generic live music has waned a bit. There are exceptions of course.
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