Saturday, September 06, 2008

Basic Reason why Democrats are Different than Republicans

Blogs never convince anyone to change their mind about political opinions so I won't even try. I simply want to state something that I've known for a long time which is the basic difference between D's and R's.

Democrats believe that people are good and that government can help them be better. Republicans believe that people make bad decisions and government can't do anything about that.

Thinking this truth for many years, I was encouraged to hear it summarized in the same way while reading Bill Clinton's book. In it he describes a discussion with a republican leader during the government shutdown in the early 90s when he is confronted with that same truth while being frustrated by Republicans in congress.

This basic belief is almost impossible to change which is why people rarely ever change sides in a political debate. Ask yourself if you think people are more inclined to be good or bad and you'll probably find your political footing.

I still don't fit either category. Oh, well
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