Wednesday, October 22, 2008

French Futur and Conditionnel: How to tell the difference when spoken

I've always assumed they were pronounced the same way until I went searching for some pronunciation hints for another question and found this thread

No one has ever explained it to me that way before, and a little light bulb went on inside my head when I read it. If I can remember, I will now pronounce the conditionnel je serais as if it ended in e grave (I can't type accents into this blog)

Anyone know what @ is called in French? I’ve heard ‘a commercial’ and ‘arabesque’

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

We moved on Saturday

Our final moving costs:
$200 - actual pay to movers
$40 - tip
$63 - truck
$15 - gas for truck

The movers we hired didn't have their own truck, but they were good. I didn't feel like I was hiring some Ex-Cons to move my stuff.

The biggest downer on moving day was that our contractor did NOT have the bedrooms painted, so we had to move furniture into the living room and leave it there. This doesn't completely defeat the purpose of hiring movers, but it does make them less useful as we've had to move our stuff from the living room back to the bedrooms.

We still don't have a kitchen which was expected.

Little things have slipped through the cracks as a result of the painting

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