Tuesday, December 02, 2008

So we went to the R&R hall of fame

Some Thoughts:

Music is so many things to so many people that its hard to communicate that with a walk through musuem. They did have music available to listen to which was nice, but I didn't have time to really experience that.

I know just about every inductee from the 60's 70's and later. This either means that I'm a well versed rock-o-phile or that the industry has crammed these artists in our faces to the point where we all know who they are weather we like it or not. We all know that there is some cramming and that those worthy of induction aren't all super-terrific rock geniuses. I like the Beatles but I don't really need to listen to a best of album with George Harrison's greatest hits.

Naming it after a Genre is weird; do they want to honor the youth movement that happend when R&R was first getting going? If so then it will always be frozen it time. I know that Rock and Roll is more than a genre, but that phrase is almost unuseable now. So many other music movements have come and gone, even some that wouldn't want to be called R&R.

I think the recent changes in the record industry have made me view the history of R&R with a much different view. Instead of explosive messages changing the course of history, I see expression being limited by the vision of a corporate record industry that for the most part is now a thing of the past. Internet distribution of music might make something like the R&R hall of fame obsolete. How can we determine who has #1 songs when no one listens to the radio anymore?

You made SO MANY great points here. I really am looking forward to a future where labels (and Clear Channel) no longer have the authority to tell us what constitutes "good" and "bad" music. I think it will signal a return to actual musicians making real music, not synthesizers repeating rhythms to mindless lyrics. Of course I live in Austin, so I have pretty strong opinions about it all :-)
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